There’s word getting out onto the street that GE has not only been rabidly slobbering all over President Obama in order to further its executives’ fortunes by pushing for cap & trade, but that they are flexing their corporate muscle to spank journalists of varying stripes who attempt to report facts instead of pushing the pablum-laced, White House-contrived fiction. Particularly when those facts put GE and its subsidiaries in a less-than-favorable light.
The latest tidbit involves Jeffrey Immelt and Jeff Zucker orchestrating a GE boycott of their news subsidiaries’ rival media outlet Nielsen after a Nielsen-owned The Hollywood Reporter journalist wrote a much-publicized story about the rather lively GE shareholder meeting in April. That well-attended Orlando, Florida GE shareholder meeting where many people wanted to know whether or not Immelt actually told GE’s news operations (e.g. MSNBC) to be “less critical” of President Obama and his administration.
Of course Hollywood lives and dies on both fiction and gossip, however, when one considers the bias of GE’s news outlets towards the current administration, and the fact that the FOXNews staff of the Bill O’Reilly show is now investigating GE’s possible involvement in supplying weapons material to Iran, well…it doesn’t take a healthy dose of imagination to wonder whether this is yet another case where truth is stranger than fiction.
Washington, D.C. seems to be taking its cue from Hollywood because the May unemployment numbers were preceded by quite a lot of gladhanding that the numbers were down. Truth is that the May unemployment numbers are higher than those well-spun previews and are, in fact, higher than if we’d done nothing at all to “stimulate” the economy. Which is even higher still than the numbers projected by the administration.
Last thought is of the word that must have finally given nightmares to the Romanovs. That word is “czars”. The Republic of the United States of America now has more and more czars every day; popping up faster than Nancy Pelosi during an Obama campaign speech, each one being given the helm of what used to be considered private or individual state business. Not only is the word itself and its connections to monarchy, imperialism, and tyranny disturbing, that it is manifesting in a free, democratic Republic should sound an alarm to even the most addicted Kool-Aid drinkers. No one elects them, they are hand-picked by and accountable to no one but Barack Hussein Obama. Rather his very own personal court lackies; in reality more government employees on the taxpayer dole with absolutely no incentive to safeguard citizen interests or the Constitution. It is starting to sound beyond ridiculous – regulatory czar, pay czar, energy czar, car czar, health care czar, intelligence czar, urban affairs czar, drug affairs czar, border czar, even a Great Lakes czar.
Does this make President Obama the czar czar?
Such is the stuff of which revolutions are made.