We simply count ourselves among the willing, led by the unknowing, who are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. Having done so much for so long with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing. Hence, this site.
Our goal here is to simply bring a real and honest touch of fairness and balance to people’s thinking about current events; though we regretfully confess that most days it is more like pointing out that the Emperor is running around naked. But we take heart from the frequent visits by folks in the House of Representatives and the Senate Office of the Sergeant at Arms. (Yes, we see you. And while we appreciate your interest, you’re reading this on OUR dime. Get back to work.)
Like it? Don’t like it? We really don’t care. What matters most to us and what should matter most to you, too, is Truth, Justice, and the American Way as set forth by those oh-so-wise Founding Fathers.
If you really, really feel you must contact us personally, send a note to “smokebreak” in care of our host, blogshevik -dot- com.
P.S. While we like to hear what others have to say and will defend to the death your right to say something stupid, even in public, this isn’t a playground for wankers, so comments are always moderated.
P.P.S. If you wish to see your comment approved, it is helpful to post it on a piece that directly pertains to your subject matter and that you avoid including links to porn sites or other obvious attempts to divert our readers elsewhere. Otherwise, it’s called spam and will be deleted.