For four years we’ve used this little platform to point out the errors and failures of our government. That someone like Barack Hussein Obama could be so easily swept into the office of president of these United States based on nothing more than a deadly and deceitful stint as a senator in Illinois, later admitting to being merely a “composite” of memoirs suspected to have been written by someone else both infuriated and frightened us. As time went by this man who believes in “partial birth abortions” because the intent of the mother was to kill her unborn child anyway proved his allegiance to nothing that remotely resembles America by sending our border patrol to fight with beanbags while secretly arming drug cartels with some half-baked idea it would push the American people into accepting their version of gun control, directly resulting in the deaths of Brian Terry and Jamie Zapata. The man who sits down with unelected Chicago cronies each morning to decide who will die that day from a drone strike, with collateral civilian damage be damned, couldn’t be bothered to muster the same force when Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Brian Doherty and Tyrone Woods were fighting Al Queda in vain for their lives in a place that had been called out to the administration numerous times to be lacking adequate security on a day common sense alone would have given them more of it.
This administration and this president in particular have far too much innocent and literal American blood on their hands. And far, far too much blood has flowed figuratively from the entitlement-encouraging laws and policies that have trickled down over the last four years to crush both the spirits and the wealth of the middle class. Not to mention making the poor even poorer and creating even more of them.
Mitt Romney asked the age-old question, “Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?” Gas prices are double what they were in 2008, food and other commodity prices are higher; wages, if you are fortunate enough to be making them, are stagnant, homes that haven’t yet been foreclosed on carry underwater mortgages, banks are playing Wack-A-Mole with more and more insidious little fees on checking account while interest on savings accounts are essentially non-existent. Almost half of the legal citizens in this country pay nothing in federal income taxes but a subset of them, pathetically and ironically goaded on by wealthy Democrats, demand more and more “entitlements” from those who do pay taxes. We have watched spectacles like a 30-plus year old college student sit in the chambers of Congress and bemoan the fact that her Catholic college – a college she deliberately chose to attend – won’t cover her birth control. We won’t even go into “Obamaphones” or people on food stamps buying everything but food with them. Illegal immigration? Let us count how many Democrat votes result from the administration’s refusal to follow the rule of law and thereby add more cost to the legal taxpayer’s already straining burden.
Simply put, this administration has exceeded even our cynical expections of disaster. They are a dangerous, deadly lot that scuttles around in the shadows like so many fat rats; blinking senselessly when the light is cast upon them. That is, when the complicit lamestream media even bothers to “report” anything resembling an objective fact.
They have to go.
All of them.
They blamed the elections of 2010 for creating more “obstructionism” to their enslaving communist manifesto. Today we can not only obstruct them completely, we can obliterate them. Send them back into the trash heap of a history that will only note that the last 4 years proved once and for all that socialism is forever a failed experiment.
Vote wisely, my fellow Americans. Vote for Mitt Romney, vote for every conservative candidate on your ballot from local to state. It is our last chance to save – to reclaim – what has proved to be the greatest country in the history of mankind.
God bless America.