As one of the scorned and quickly dwindling 53%, Tuesday's election was like a nightmare from which awakening seemed almost impossible. It was horrifying to realize that half of the people in America are really that stupid; primarily due to 70 years of progressive liberal subversion of our educational system, and deliberately because despite all evidence to the contrary that … [Read More...]
Stoopid People

Why Mitt’s Right
Mitt Romney is right. There are a lot among that 47% who are a lost cause. We often exchange emails with one of them. It's an exercise only in seeing firsthand … [Read More...]
Eroding Freedoms

For four years we've used this little platform to point out the errors and failures of our government. That someone like Barack Hussein Obama could be so easily … [Read More...]
But Wait! There’s More!

It’s Resignation Time
“We have seen flickers in the intelligence of potential al-Qaida, Hezbollah.” (Adm. James Stavridis, NATO supreme commander for Europe, speaking about Libya’s rebel force to the Senate Armed Services committee in 2011) If you think the Middle … [Read More...]

Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Obviously, we didn't understand him the first time. This deserves to go viral. … [Read More...]

Gun Control Explained
Gun control is knowing when to shoot, not disarming citizens. The 2nd Amendment is our insurance against a government grown tyrannical and those who would argue anything else have either evil intent or are little more than useful idiots. A friend sent … [Read More...]

The Dark Night
Thursday night a young man in Aurora, Colorado made manifest his insanity and when the smoke cleared inside the movie theater 12 eager Batman fans were dead and 58 others were on their way to the hospital. The hysterical response by the media was immediate … [Read More...]

The More Things Change
"The more things change, the more they stay the same." While doing a bit of research, I came across this little gem from Norman Thomas, six-time Presidential candidate of the Socialist Party Of America: "The old keenness of political discussion in the party … [Read More...]