The Wall Street Journal posted an article about His Transparency’s cross-country “cash dash” to raise campaign money for Democrats this coming week before hitting Martha’s Vineyard for yet another vacation, raising the question of whether it will help or hurt those candidates in November. The gist of the article is that elections all come down to money and this trip is all about prying it out of the wallets of the rich and famous:
Mr. Obama will travel to Milwaukee Monday to raise money for Mayor Tom Barrett’s Wisconsin gubernatorial bid. That night, he will attend a dinner for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee at the Los Angeles home of West Wing television producer John Wells, co-hosted by the likes of Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Barbra Streisand, among others. The entrance fee for the cocktail reception: $2,500 a person. Add a presidential photo and the title of co-host and the figure jumps to $30,400 a couple.
There is a thinly-veiled attempt by the administration to make it appear to be a business trip (“Sandwiched in between will be a speech on his exports push and a visit to an energy-storage company….”) but the article states what is obvious: “politics is pre-eminent.”
And so a fool and their money are soon parted. President Walking Eagle and the Democrats may think big campaign coffers are a means to their nefarious ends of redistributing the weath to those who have not honestly earned it (with a hefty skim off the top for themselves, of course), but on November 2nd all the money in the world isn’t going to change the fact that voters – ordinary, hard-working, tax-paying Americans like you and me – are going to walk into voting booths around the country and cast ballots in favor not of a political party, but in favor of the Founders and the Constitution. Meaning, all the mean-spirited attack ads on television, all the flyer drops and emails from progressive-pushing outfits like will only further inflame the average American’s distaste for the socialism and politicizing and political correctness already crammed down their throats by this administration and Congress and they are going to quietly vote in favor of conservative thinkers and those who haven’t spent half their lives breathing the stale air in Washington.
Because at the end of the day on November 2nd, it’s not about money. It is about votes. Those of us who are hanging on by a thread due to economic and other policies too-long dictated by political cronyism and egos that cause us to pay more and more for ever-larger numbers of government bureaucrats and “entitlements” for self-perceived “victims”, including criminals, may not have money to donate to those candidates who would begin to help us restore our beloved Republic but we can, and I predict that we will, give them our blessing in the form of our votes.
And that is why His Transparency’s so-called “Midas touch” will fail. Tea Parties are just the tip of the iceberg that is the silent American majority. A silent majority who sees as bullying the derision heaped upon those who voice their beliefs in America’s founding ideas and sees as unethical the utter lack of responsibility encouraged by the progressive liberal ideology. A silent majority who sees the hypocrisy in the federal government suing Arizon over legislating reinforcement of federal law while ignoring the fact that California has the very same law on its own books. A silent majority who knows you don’t sign a contract (or vote for a bill) unless you know exactly what’s in it. A silent majority who knows that “illegal” means “criminal” and who believes that, if for no other reason, simple consideration of the unending pain still felt by others would trump even thinking about building a monument of sorts to Islam anywhere near the site where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center fell at the hands of Islamic jihadists on 9/11.
America’s silent majority has at long last come to realize that government “of the people” means every individual must be informed and involved and that their most effective weapon is their vote.
Not the amount of money in some campaign coffer earmarked for a smear ad against one’s political opponent.