Michelle Malkin recently posted a piece about Representative Pete Stark (D-CA). In it, she has documented his rude, crude, and socially unacceptable reactions to being questioned.
Just don’t allow the children around when you watch it.
It is this kind of blatant, know-it-all arrogence and contempt for their constituents that has finally awakened the silent and mainly conservative majority, much to the August recess angst of Congress critters of all stripes. They can try to spin it all they want, but as more and more light illuminates the dangerous mindset of the vast majority of our unrepresenting representatives at all levels of government, the more we, the people, realize the need to take matters (back) into our own hands.
Bummer, dudes and dudettes. Or is that, bummer, commies, Marxists, progressives, and socialists? You have no one to blame but yourself. Well, maybe you can blame the mainstream media, who have allowed you to flourish like a poisonous, noxious weed.
After too-long of a long sleep, we’re going to pull you all out by the roots and burn you with the brush pile.