Have YOU read all 1,900-plus pages of HR 3962 yet? Introduced not quite one week ago, it’s doubtful that all of the unrepresenting representatives in the House have, either. But nonetheless, debate and a vote is being scheduled for Saturday.
I’ve been reading the bill and analyses of it, and as stated earlier, it’s a disaster. And I’m being very, very kind. The devil is, of course, in the details, and common sense tells us that when key details remain unresolved it’s pure insanity to force a vote. But Washington today is purely contrived insanity, designed to baffle Americans into submission so, personally, I’m not the least bit surprised.
But let’s consider a couple of those critical details; the ones the Democrats want to gloss over since they are well aware the majority of tax-paying Americans want nothing to do with them.
Abortion funding: there is still no language specifically excluding federal funding for abortions. There is talk about denying it but including language saying women could pay for an abortion themselves, but that doesn’t exclude the woman’s insurance plan from receiving federal funds. Adding a “third party” to handle the financial transactions is just needlesslly padding someone’s wallet without addressing the issue. Bottom line: a gimmick does not an exclusion make and tax-payer money may be sent around twisting corners to pay for abortions.
Illegal immigrants: House leaders with an eye on 2010 elections desperately want illegal immigrants to be able to buy health insurance from their government option. Bottom line: what part of “illegal” do they still not understand? Enforce the immigrations laws on the books; don’t force American taxpayers to subsidize the health care of criminals. To even suggest that criminals paying their own premiums is somehow ok is a most blatant blowing of smoke in the faces of real Americans. It proves only that those in Washington, Democrats espcially, really and truly believe the American people are stupid. Health insurance premiums do not now and will never cover the entire cost of anyone’s medical care. No matter how you try to spin it, this leaves the rest of us picking up the tab to give criminals a benefit of citizenship.
Bottom line of the bottom line: exactly where in the United States Constitution does it mandate this kind of legislation anyway? That this isn’t even being question or debated is a sign that everyone in Washington needs to go. Now.