No one doubts the depths of ugly deceit of which progressive liberal Democrats are capable, but aside from the high school aspects of it, this latest “trick” from the Coakley campaign takes the cake:
Pro-lifers are receiving phone calls from people claiming to be Mass Citizens. The callers say that Mass Citizens is not supporting Scott Brown because of his position on health care!
The truth is that Mass Citizens is suporting Brown because of his position on health care!
These deceitful calls are coming from 202-461-3441, a Washington, DC number. The phone company says this is a company called SOOH. Pro-lifers are not the only victims of this scam. Our MCFL sleuths have found that this same number is calling people across the state claiming to be different groups with different messages – all anti-Brown!
If you can’t dazzle ’em with brilliance, baffle ’em with bullshit?
Way to go, Martha. You’re a real class act.