Van Jones is history. Ultimately he will be just another ugly little blip on the radar; hoisted firmly onto his own petard by his personal, self-avowed Communist manifesto and his radical socialist organizing and, ultimately, by his own big, foul mouth.
Despite the ready availability of the material record of Jones’ own stupidity, including that he called Republicans “assholes” only one month before Obama appointed him as his “Special Advisor for Green Jobs”, the mainstream media is playing their violins in chorus of his “I was smeared” excuses. Falling right into Obama and his administration’s divisive tactics and once again failing to do their job of reporting facts. It’s a funny switch, this; news op/ed folks bringing to light hard facts while “regular” news reporters and degreed journalists simply drool over every word spun out on the teleprompter and opine derisively about those who hold a differing opinion.
But I digress.
Van Jones is merely one little pawn in a very big game. He is merely a symptom of an attempt to overthrow the United States Constitution; an overthrow long in the planning. To ask serious questions about the eligibility of Van Jones to hold a prominent and unaccountable position in the Obama administration is but the first step in crushing the wolf in sheep’s clothing known as the “progressive movement”.
What must now be asked is exactly WHO KNEW about Jones’ claims to Communism, his arrest record, his creation of STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, a group explicitly committed to revolutionary Marxist politics) and Color of Change, as well as his many crude public statements? John McCormack explains in a short piece in the Weekly Standard that if Jones had answered their questions truthfully, the FBI would have been fully aware of his less-than-savory…errrr…normal past and (emphasis mine):
… the background report would go to the Counsel’s office (run by Greg Craig), who would then raise the question of whether what the FBI found was disqualifying with the potential employee’s boss. Jones was hired by Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley, but he presumably (and ultimately) reports to the chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel must have decided that nothing in Jones’s background was alarming enough to prevent his appointment.
So … it’s worth asking: Did Rahm sign off on Jones’s appointment despite what the FBI must have discovered about his background. And, incidentally–did Jones tell the truth to the FBI?
These questions must be asked about ALL of Obama’s appointees and nominees. The President, his administration, and Congress are there by the will of we, the people, to SERVE our interests and to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” and we, the people, are entitled to straight answers about those who make it their life’s work to subvert it.