There’s a new ad running on Michigan television this month. It’s asking the people of Michigan to call state representative Gary Peters (D-MI 9th District) and thank him for his support of clean energy. Why?
As Henry Payne notes in a piece for the National Review, “…windmills can’t power 80-acre auto plants. Never mind conservative think tank studies that predict a doubling in utility rates and a 74 percent increase in gas prices if cap-and-trade should pass. President Obama himself knows that cap-and-trade would be costly to consumers — which is why candidate Obama promised that the proceeds from the tax would be redistributed to consumers.“
So why the tv ads? As always, follow the money.
The ad is paid for by Al Gore. Who stands to make billions off cap & trade.
The Detroit News reported back in May that Peters, et Midwest-al, cut deals with the government to use a series of government programs to funnel your hard-earned tax money and the increased costs you will pay under the boat anchor of cap & trade over to the auto companies and the unions. Programs buried in that 1,300+ page cap & trade bill that no one in the House could have read even if they’d wanted to before they voted to pass it.
So Peters, et Midwest-al, can later rake in millions in campaign contributions from the auto companies and the labor unions.
Feel free to let Gary Peters know what you think of his efforts for the state with the nation’s highest rate of unemployment and his plans for your future tax dollars by clicking HERE.