At least according to Barbara (“call me Senator”) Boxer, rich parents are evil. After both of this morning’s tax increase smackdown votes on the Senate floor, crybaby Barbie took to the podium to deliver what was, I’m sure, in her mind at least, a chiding lecture on the failure of that august body to do right by the poor, hapless American people. (The same people who voted to replace Democrats in Congress in numbers not seen since 1938 but who’s counting?) In it she sternly told us that if the “wealthy”* were allowed to continue to keep the money they earned by not increasing taxes on them right now, all they’d do with it is “put it into a trust fund for their children”.
Apparently only the “little people” are entitled to look out for their children’s future. In progressive liberal la-la land it is the responsibility of the rich to look out for everyone else’s children by contributing more and more of their income to overpay some federal bureaucrat to pass it out as entitlements to the vaguely-defined victim…errr..prospective Democrat voter-du-joeur.
Last time I checked it was neither a sin nor against the law to work hard and accumulate large sums of money. And if people like Crybaby Barbie find having a stash so wrong, it isn’t against the law for them to write a big, fat check to the IRS, either.
But they don’t, do they?
Wealthy: A squishy, shapeshifting line drawn between those whose income reaches $250,000 or $1 million a year and those whose icome does not; its exact location dependent solely upon the level of desperation felt by a Democrat on any given day.
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