Taxes are a big theme in this year’s midterm election mudslinging contest. It is not just a response to the current administration’s obvious attempts to crush the productive in order to maintain their personal wealth and delusions of power but rather quite a normal reflex. Humans, being just another species of animal (regardless what self-perceived elitists like to think about themselves and others in their little herd), are normally self-protective, selfish, and therefore not really very generous until such time as they, themselves, feel their personal needs have been safely and securely met.
Progressives, in their contempt for the protections of the fallibility of humans as written into the governing documents of the Republic by our Founding Fathers, have always known this. And they have used it for their own equally selfish advantage by professing to offer something for nothing to those who have not fairly earned it. The ideology of “distributing the wealth” plays on the inherently sympathetic nature of the inherently self-protective, using age-old exhortations to Man’s “higher nature” to press the guilt button and thereby gain acquiese to more and more of the fruits of their labors.
I see the rise of the Tea Party as a logical response to this theft. And I have come to see the idiocy in believing there can be much (if any) good in what is essentially money laundering by the federal government. The Enumerated Powers were quite clear yet today we pay thousands and thousands of bureaucrats two and three times the going rate to decide how we should be spending our money on things in which the federal government simply does not belong. In the same way Jesus is reported to have overturned the tables of the money-changers in the temple, so now does the Tea Party stand to overturn the same thievery that has become the federal government.
What good does it to give money to what is essentially a charitable endeavor (food stamps, welfare, Social Security, even education) but allow a big bite to be taken out of it before it may be used as originally intended? What most readily recognize as a charity gets double-dipped for they must give money to the federal government in order to be recognized as doing charitable work in the first place; then our tax dollars pay thousands of bureaucrats to monitor the flow of money from donor to recipient. Would it not be better to be able to hand over some of your dollars directly to someone who is, say, stocking a food pantry and know that it is going to be spent on food, rather than going first to subsidize some bureaucrat’s above-average lifestyle? Would you not be more willing to donate in the first place, and even to donate more?
I know I would. And for anyone who thinks that this tax-loving bureaucratic micro-regulating of charities is a good idea, I would only point to organizations like ACORN and ask you just how well has that worked out? In this age of free-flowing information, I would err on the thought that word of mouth about organizations pocketing more than reasonable expenses (United Way, anyone?) would spread quickly and they would soon find their donations dropping; the worst would have to close their doors and the userers in charge would have to go out and earn a real living.
The same can be said for unions, which have become little more than the worst kind of charities. The truth is, teachers and teamsters, that your Viagra is not my problem and if you think your dues can make it so, just ask Jimmy Hoffa what happened to Michigan. Even banks, when subject to the free-flow of information in a truly free market, would not stay in business very long when they force responsible customers to pay for their loans to customers who are less responsible.
The federal government has long overstepped its bounds and their demonstrations of entitlement to do so become more clear each day. Why else is President Walking Eagle stumping around the country inciting violence towards those who disagree with his socialist policies – on our dime? I don’t recall that calling those who don’t want to pay to support millions more people with entitlements the “enemy” was part of his job description. But it is certainly in the job description of we, the people, to find and to root out the enemies both without and within.
And that is why November 2nd is so important. There are lamestream media squeakings this morning about sending the “inexperienced” into our “complicated” contemporary federal government machine in Washington. But at the end of the day and in the final analysis it is exactly such “inexperience” that is needed to cut the crap if we don’t want Americans to end up in Greece or France without need for a passport and plane ride. They are needed to walk those Democrat-desecrated hallowed halls wielding the scalpel about which His Transparency lied during the 2008 election campaign and then use it to cut out the heart of progressive liberalism whether it comes in the guise of an ass or a RINO and restore the Republic; beholden to no one except those who sent them there to do that very job.
As the Justice Department would say, “Bring out your dead and vote early and often.”
Sen Rangel is just one example caught! How many more just like him laying low? Crooks, liars, and shysters, that’s what the House and Senate are full of! KICK THEM ALL OUT!
This Rangel thing is a joke. Censure is not strong enough. He needs to be punished. Removed from office. Done. Do you think you or I would get off with a slap on the wrists as this is?