We’ve already written about the reasons why the special election in Massachusetts on January 19th is critical. (Here, with more information here, and here.) And despite the Conservative aversion to Republicans because most of them are really little more than “Democrat-Lite”, the truth is that election of a conservative Republican to replace Ded Ted in Massachusetts is the only viable option we have today if we are going to return this beloved country to Her founding principles.
It is crucial that the election of a conservative Republican, in the form on Massachusetts state senator Scott Brown, be a landslide victory of such great proportions that the progressive liberal Democrat machine, pulled by its snarling sled dogs of ACORN and the SEIU, is ground irrevocably into the dirt. The numbers for Scott Brown must be so big, so crushing that any attempts to stall his swearing in before a vote on the progressive liberal’s health care “reform” are seen as the nasty, partisan power-play tricks they are and thereby stopped.
Frankly, fellow Patriots, it no longer matters where you live. It no longer matters what you consider yourself politically. What is about to happen in Massachusetts is the Democrat’s Waterloo and it is our chance, as a nation of conservative and fair-minded Americans, to cut this dangerous administration off at its knees by removing the 60-seat Democrat majority in the Senate.
I am personally asking every one of you, if you haven’t already done so, please go HERE and make a donation to Scott Brown’s campaign. I am asking you to take an hour, even a half-hour, out of your busy day each day this week to make a few calls to voters in Massachusetts on Scott Brown’s behalf (sign up HERE). An influx of money right now will provide much needed funding for campaign outreach to the common-sense voters in Massachusetts. Your calls to voters in Massachusetts will help to make a difference with those who might otherwise stay home on January 19th.
We, the people, have spent almost a whole year now watching the Democratic majority in Congress and the administration gleefully tear into the very heart of this great nation, ripping Her in half using blatant racism and class warfare. I don’t know about you, but for me the pain is absolutely gut-wrenching.
We, the people, can make it stop on January 19th with a second “shot heard ’round the world”.
Please help.
UPDATE (1/12/10): This writer thanks every one of you across America who stepped up to help. Scott Brown’s fundraiser was a resounding success, more than doubling its goal by collecting $1.3 million in 24 hours. Amazing, isn’t it? Yet his opponentwent to Washington D.C. tonight to beg for money from the likes of “Big Pharma”, which tells you just what kind of person she isn’t. Evidenced by a report that the union people carrying signs at last night’s debate were paid to be there, and one confessed that was the only reason he showed up since he intended to cast his vote for Scott Brown.
Don’t forget to help make calls as this last week plays out!
Thanks for reporting on this, It is so important for ALL AMERICANS that SCOTT BROWN WINS!!