We’re almost at the end of the first year in which progressive liberals have gleefully reigned supreme in Washington. With President Walking Eagle in the Orchid Office and a Democratic majority in both the Nuthouse and the Senate, those of us who are your basic middle-class conservatives have been able to do little except watch in horror as the agenda of “equality” (read: redistribute your wealth to those the affirmatively-graduated Ivy Leaguers feel are more entitled to it) has been rammed down America’s throat. From cap & tax to EPA rulings that CO2 must be regulated to health care “reform” to Islamic jihadist attacks on American soil (ok, so one attack was really a pathetic failure of a jihadist who ended up merely soiling his underwear in an airplane above Detroit, no thanks to this administration’s version of Homeland Security), the only reconcilation to this mess has come in the form of trading terrorists for hostages.
Frankly, dear readers, America is a mess. But hope comes in the form of Tea Parties and more and more real conversations about both the Constitution and what it means to be an American taking place among even the most average of the citizenry. We are seeing an awakening that is long overdue.
As 2010 begins, then, it begins with great hopes for the next round of Congressional midterm elections. From sea to shining sea, many of our unrepresenting representatives in both the Nuthouse and Senate are girding their cajone-less, sealed-with-a-special-interest-kiss loins for the fight for your support to come in the form of campaign contributions and a checkmark on the ballot.
And we mustn’t disappoint them.
Warm up your voices, get out your checkbooks, sharpen your #2 leaded pencils, and let the support games begin. We must now stand together in collective support of conservative candidates in every corner of the United States. With our dollars, with even our pennies if that’s all we can spare, as well as with our voices and then with our votes. For the truth is that by their oath of office everyone in Congress must represent the interests of all the American people; even if they go to Washington to help safeguard the interests of their own state they must never sacrifice the country for those interests. But, sadly, what Congress has become is nothing more than a bizarre baazar at which too many greedy hands snatch at our hard-earned tax monies to benefit some or another little special interest to buy votes for reelection so they can continue to collect the salary and benefits they see fit to bestow upon themselves.
But the truth is, America, now is our time. Another perfect storm looms on the American political horizon and the window has opened for every Patriot to take up their arms and begin the fight to bring it crashing down to sweep aside the egos of the progressive liberal majority and get their ugliness out of Washington. Like the beginning of the first American Revolution, what is coming on January 19th must be viewed as the “shot heard ’round the world”.
On January 19th there will be a special election held in the state of Massachusetts to elect a Senator to replace Ted Kennedy. And even though the good people of Massachusetts seem to be unable to rid themselves of their fascination with the likes of Barney Frank, Massachusetts was the birthplace of the American Revolution in 1776 and it is only fitting it be the birthplace of the second American Revolution now.
The two candidates running for this empty Senate seat are the current state attorney general, Martha Coakley (Democrat) and 3rd-term state senator Scott Brown (Republican). As a stereotypical progressive liberal bottomfeeder who would make Ded Ted proud, Ms. Coakley distinguishes herself by having the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) use state computers and state e-mail addresses to direct state employees to volunteer for her campaign. She also found her way around the state’s campaign finance laws to get a head start on padding her coffers, as well as made a point to hand out community grants to the tune of some $1.5 million at the end of December.
Senator Scott Brown is a fiscal conservative with many years of service in the Massachusetts National Guard, and he was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service in homeland security following 9/11. Here is his take on the issues at hand:
- Government is too big and that the federal stimulus bill made government bigger instead of creating jobs
- Taxes are too high and are going higher if Congress continues with its out-of-control spending
- The historic amount of debt we are passing on to our children and grandchildren is immoral
- Power concentrated in the hands of one political party, as it is here in Massachusetts, leads to bad government and poor decisions
- A strong military and vigorous homeland defense will protect our interests and security around the world and at home
- All Americans deserve health care, but we shouldn’t have to create a new government insurance program to provide it
Yes, I know he is a Republican, but right now the Constitution needs all the help it can get. The greatest good to come from Brown’s successful taking of a U.S. Senate seat will be its breaking the Democrat’s stranglehold on the Senate. No more 60-40 roughshod runs over the majority of American’s sensibilities and pocketbooks. No more will Harry (the Grinch) Reid be able to steal our Christmas and the Christmases of our children, our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren by buying votes with our hard-earned tax dollars for his nefarious closed-door scribblings.
No, no, dear readers, what Scott Brown represents is the beginning of the end of the progressive liberal Democrats and the chance to at least stop any further terrorism against the American people by our own government. But because Massachusetts is such a liberal bastion, Brown’s election is far from guaranteed.
This is where you come in.
Every one of us must do whatever we can to support Scott Brown’s campaign. Even if the RNC isn’t going to bellyflop for him like they did for Doug Hoffman in the NY-23 district election, one thing the New York district and gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey showed is that people like you and me understand the need to support conservative candidates. This active support has now become imperative when the future actions of those candidates will affect more than just their direct electorate.
I urge everyone to go to this website and pledge a patriotic $9.12 to Senator Brown’s campaign. If you don’t think it will make a difference, need I remind you that His Transparency nickled and dimed his way into the White House; what better way to help put America back on the road to real recovery than by using the symbol of the day America stood truly united?
Think Waterloo.
(And don’t forget to share this with everyone you know.)
[…] written about the reasons why the special election in Massachusetts on January 19th is critical. (Here, with more information here, and here.) And despite the Conservative aversion to Republicans […]