Talk about thin skins. I guess it comes from cranking up the thermostat too often.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has decided to muster their acorn-fattened automatons to heave righteous froth at Rush Limbaugh via an online petition. Why? Because Rush told his listeners that his response to the President telling GOP leaders last week that “You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done” didn’t need more than 4 words: “I hope he fails.”
Does this sound like adult conversation, let alone civilized conversation? I didn’t think so. It reminds me of 2 little boys mucking around in a sandbox and trying to one-up each other or dogs running around peeing on trees.
But be that as it may, it is important to note that once again Barack Hussein Obama is attempting to influence the media to cast him in what he believes is a favorable light. Stifling criticism – first by unsuccessfully trying to get the courts to pull McCain’s television campaign ads and now through some phantom grassroots outcry – this is his modus operandi but this is one thing he has absolutely no business trying to squelch.
Let us remember this:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
For those who have never bothered to read it, this is the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. It’s purpose is to assure that every one of us – whether occupant of some Orchid Office, a broadcaster, or just a man or woman on the street – has the freedom to voice our opinion. Even, and including, those whom we may choose to label as wrong or flat-out stupid. I personally don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh, but you know what? Reality is that his OPINION doesn’t affect my life. And reality is that neither does the OPINION of Barack Hussein Obama.
But it does affect me when 2 grown men use up air time and font to have a pissing contest over what boils down to which one is more popular and therefore, by some magical default, “right”. And you know what? I then make the personal choice to label them both egotistical idiots and change the channel or turn the page.
Try it sometime. It makes you feel so…so…free.
Unless, of course, you’re still addicted to that Kool-Aid.