Our Nancy-boy-in-Chief has said he wants to “kick some ass” but if it wasn’t clear before it will be very clear now that he means to kick only the asses of Americans. Rather than stand up to Constitutional responsibilities to secure and protect America’s borders, the federal government has, in effect, gotten down on bended knee to Mexico by posting signs 80 miles inside the Arizona border with Mexico warning U.S. citizens to not enter the park area because it isn’t safe due to the high volume of heavily-armed drug smugglers and human traffickers pouring in on a daily basis.
This is decidedly a “WTF?” moment. But it isn’t new. Two-thirds of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is off-limits to Americans. The area has become so dangerous “the Park Services uses it as a training ground for tactical operations” and National Geographic Adventure Magazine wrote: “Welcome to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, where backpackers carry bales of marijuana and park rangers carry assault rifles – and where ranger Kris Eggle paid the ultimate price.” The 28-year old ranger was shot and killed by a drug runner in 2002 but things have continued to go downhill ever since. It is estimated that over $2 million worth of drugs come through Organ Pipe every single day.
For almost 4 years, 3,500 acres of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge has been closed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service because “public use of the area is not prudent“.
It’s common knowledge that President Pantywaist inhaled, but regardless his views of illegal drug use, that’s no excuse for tactitly allowing this escalation of drug smuggling and violence. It’s way past time for our southern border to be secured, not to be considering granting yet more amnesty to criminals.
In 1954, President Eisenhower dealt swiftly and decisively with the illegal alien issue. But In 1986, and to America’s detriment, President Ronald Reagan signed the Simpson-Mazoli Act into American Law. This across-the-board amnesty of 3.5 million illegal alien Mexicans, resulted in unchecked, chained illegal immigration. Repeated misinterpretation of America’s 14th Amendment compounded this disaster with Birthright Citizenship for all newborns of illegals. Sadly, this invasion continues, and American Citizens suffer a preventable immigration catastrophe. “IT IS A SAD DAY IN AMERICA, WHEN LAW MAKERS SIDE WITH LAW BREAKERS, AGAINST LAW ABIDING CITIZENS”….Ezola Foster 1992