“In order for there to be a change to our broken immigration system,” she said, “I believe one has to fight.”
“She” is one Maria Gianni. Who, as it just so happens, is an illegal immigrant. A deliberate law-breaker. A criminal with malice aforethought.
So why are we quoting her? Because while I’m beyond being surprised at these foreign criminals criticizing American law, I am offended to my core to hear one dare to utter their selfish, cry-baby criticisms accompanied by the word “our”; as if their sorry criminal ass is somehow equal to and has the same rights a legal American citizen.
What’s more, she is quoted (translated from Spanish, to be precise) by an AP writer in the Seattle Times in a soft, fluffy piece about illegal immigrants – aka law-breakers aka criminals – going out and pounding the pavement to drum up support for Democrat candidates. Candidates who they believe will, of course, embrace them – the illegals, the law-breakers, the criminals – and then simply hand over to them the hard-won fruits of the labors of natural-born and legally-naturalized American citizens.
I hate to break the news to Maria and the other 11,999,999 or so foreign criminals currently sponging off the United States. There ain’t no “our” here. The only thing wrong with our immigration laws is the pathetic lack of their enforcement. You’re a slap in the face to every person who came to these shores legally, swore their allegiance to this beloved land and made a positive contribution to Her well-being. And those who coddle your ilk should be sent packing right along with you.