As expected, the Democrats response to the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission was to try and hurry up a way to shut down the free speech of those who are vigorously opposing their ramrod, socialist tactics; opposition they fearfully know will only increase as the November mid-term elections draw near.
On April 29, 2010, Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) introduced H.R. 5175, 180-degree-from-intention-titled, the “Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections” (DISCLOSE) Act. Essentially, what this bill does is put back all sorts of campaign finance reporting requirements, including putting the names of top donors into television ads. It’s yet another descent into that special hell known as federal government bureacracy for organizations both large and small but what is even more disconcerting than this end-run around free speech is that in order to buy enough votes to pass it, the bill has been altered so as to exempt some of the Democrats’ largest opponents of it. Like the NRA.
By calculatingly setting criteria for exemption from their stringent disclosure requirements to outside groups with no less than 500,000 with members in 50 states, that have existed for at least 10 years and accept no more than 15 percent of their funding from corporate or union sources, the running-scared progressive liberals are clearly seeking to shut down the ability of newer, smaller conservative groups like the Tea Parties to exercise their right to free speech during the mid-term elections.
Another vote on this hits the floor of the House tomorrow. The following are key House members who should be contacted and encouraged to vote NO:
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Administration 202-225-2801 or 202-225-5823
Rep. Baron Hill (IN-09), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Policy 202-225-5315 or 202-226-6866
Rep. Jim Matheson (UT-02), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Communications 202-225-3011 or 202-225-5638
Altmire, Jason (PA-04) 202-225-2565 or 202-226-2274
Baca, Joe (CA-43) 202-225-6161 or 202-225-8671
Barrow, John (GA-12) 202-225-2823 or 202-225-3377
Berry, Marion (AR-01) 202-225-4076 or 202-225-5602
Bishop, Sanford (GA-02) 202-225-3631 or 202-225-2203
Boren, Dan (OK-02) 202-225-2701 or 202-225-3038
Boyd, Allen (FL-02) 202-225-5235 or 202-225-5615
Bright, Bobby (AL-02) 202-225-2901 or 202-225-8913
Cardoza, Dennis (CA-18) 202-225-6131
Carney, Christopher (PA-10) 202-225-3731
Childers, Travis (MS-01) 202-225-4306 or 202-225-3549
Cooper, Jim (TN-05) 202-225-4311 or 202-226-1035
Costa, Jim (CA-20) 202-225-3341 or 202-225-9308
Cuellar, Henry (TX-28) 202-225-1640 or 202-225-1641
Dahlkemper, Kathy (PA-03) 202-225-5406 or 202-225-3103
Davis, Lincoln (TN-04) 202-225-6831 or 202-226-5172
Donnelly, Joe (IN-02) 202-225-3915 or 202-225-6798
Gordon, Bart (TN-06) 202-225-4231
Holden, Tim (PA-17) 202-225-5546 or 202-226-0996
Kratovil, Jr., Frank (MD-01) 202-225-5311 or 202-225-0254
McIntyre, Mike (NC-07) 202-225-2731 or 202-225-5773
Markey, Betsy (CO-04) 202-225-4676 or 202-225-5870
Marshall, Jim (GA-08) 202-225-6531 or 202-225-3013
Matheson, Jim (UT-02) 202-225-3011 or 202-225-5638
Melancon, Charlie (LA-03) 202-225-4031 or 202-226-3944
Michaud, Mike (ME-02) 202-225-6306 or 202-225-2943
Minnick, Walt (ID-01) 202-225-6611 or 202-225-3029
Mitchell, Harry (AZ-05) 202-225-2190
Moore, Dennis (KS-03) 202-225-2865 or 202-225-2807
Murphy, Scott (NY-20) 202-225-5614 or 202-225-1168
Nye, Glenn (VA-02) 202-225-4215 or 202-225-4218
Peterson, Collin (MN-07) 202-225-2165 or 202-225-1593
Salazar, John (CO-03) 202-225-4761 or 202-226-9669
Scott, David (GA-13) 202-225-2939 or 202-225-4628
Space, Zack (OH-18) 202-225-6265 or 202-225-3394
Tanner, John (TN-08) 202-225-4714 or 202-225-1765
Taylor, Gene (MS-04) 202-225-5772 or 202-225-7074