Dear Mr. President,
I’m “waving my tea bag around” with both anger and with pride because I, along with over a million other Americans willing to do the same, stand for something. And that something is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America.
I’m “waving my tea bag around” because the principles upon which this country was built are what allowed you, Mr. President, and your wife to attend college. In fact, it was MY money you borrowed and were given in grants as a result of my working hard and paying my taxes. And it was then my money again that you used to pay me back because just who do you think was helping to pay your salary when you were supposed to be representing the state of Illinois in the Senate those 2 years you spent on the campaign trail? And who do you think was the real source of those federal tax dollars used by those “community organizing” groups who paid you to hone the skills necessary to subvert the laws of this land?
I’m “waving my tea bag around” because despite their great publicity, you apparently could not be bothered to notice that an enormous outcry against yours and Congress’ self-serving, spendthrift ways was taking place on April 15th. Even though it is your job to know what is happening in this country.
Which tells me that I wasted my money sending you to college.
I’m “waving my tea bag around” because just like the vitriolic drool running down the chins and spilling over onto the keyboards of your lapdog mainstream media reporters, you have the audacity to use their very same tactics when forced to acknowledge there is a great and growing groundswell against your ideologies and attempts to manifest them against the will of at least half of the American people.
I’m “waving my tea bag around” because when I say the pledge of allegiance, I am able to recite it clearly. Unlike you, who were somehow unable to properly voice your oath of office in January; and it is irrelevant whether that was because the words were not given to you on a teleprompter or because you choked over having to actually say them out loud and really mean them after 20 years of listening to your chosen preacher tell you “God DAMN America”. In that moment, you told those who have eyes to see exactly where you stand and it is NOT on the side of America.
I’m “waving my tea bag around” because the 1st Amendment’s the right to free speech still lives despite your efforts to silence anyone who disagrees with you, and I find it deplorable that a high school teacher would bully a student who chooses to read news at an outlet like instead of what is, in their opinion, a more “acceptable” one.
I’m “waving my tea bag around” because I do NOT apologize for the actions taken by your predecessors to keep this country safe. Nor will I apologize for their actions and the trillions of hard-earned citizen tax dollars sent by this “arrogent” society to other countries to help alleviate their poverty and help them create a similar republican form of government.
I’m “waving my tea bag around” because I will not bow down to anyone. Not to you, and especially not to those who harbor or outright encourage people doing everything possible to wipe us off the face of the Earth.
I’m “waving my tea bag around” because your rights end where mine begin. I pledged my allegiance to this country. You, on the other hand, get only the respect due your office. Anything further must be earned but during your first 100 days you have done nothing towards that end.
When all is said and done, I’m “waving my tea bag around” because I’m ashamed that there are people who will judge us by your hypocritical actions and because for the first time in my life I no longer feel safe in my own country. The heart and soul that is America is something good and honorable. It is not childish, petulant, lying, selfish, or blatantly stupid. It doesn’t waffle or dissemble.
I’m “waving my tea bag around” because you owe the American people an apology. If not your resignation.