We’ve been wickedly busy in the real world here, leaving no time to write, however, we have managed to keep half an eye on current events and, needless to say, in our opinion a bad administration and Congress continues to be a bad administration and Congress. Though it is heartwarming to see the ACORN falling from the tree, under the current bad administration and Congress we expect to see only that the worms scatter and they will therefore stealthily continue their invasion of America’s freedoms.
Of greater concern is what is going on in the Middle East. We listened to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address the U.N. this past week at the U.N. Security Council Summit On Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Disarmament and applauded his straightforwardness. He demonstrated real leadership in his plain-spoken statements; a stark contrast to President Obama, who merely reveled in the opportunity to wag his finger in a world spotlight yet continues to avoid taking any definitive stand against the enemies of freedom.
But of course the White House expects us to think the President has things under control. They now claim they knew about Iran’s second nuclear facility before the inauguration and …
“It’s important to see what happened today building on what happened in New York,” Obama said at a press conference to close out the week, adding that his overall strategy to keep an open hand toward Iran had succeeded in isolating Tehran on the world stage.
So that explains why once again Obama’s pantywaist rhetoric was promptly rewarded by yet another missil launch. This time by Iran. Who is apparently feeling more and more confident because of its sanction-cushioning economic ties to Venezuela, who with Iran’s help is now pursuing nuclear power.
Though I know her leader will meet the challenge head-on, I fear for Israel. Sadly, Netanyahu will do what he must without any help from us until it makes economic (recovery) sense for the United States to become involved in another world war, for Russia, China, and North Korea have already seen they are in a position of strength because of Barack Obama and will not hesitate to become involved to further their own aims against us.
You’d think we’d have learned something from the great wars of the 20th century but what I see today is history repeating itself. We have a President who fancies himself another Wilson, another FDR, and his embrace of their progressive failures are again allowing for – nay, they are succoring – the rise of madmen.