The poster child for all that’s wrong with liberalism who became obese by biting the capitalist hand that paid for his too many Big Macs, Michael Moore, is now setting his ego…errr…his sites on the state of Michigan. In an open letter to labor unions on his website he calls for union members to fake calling in sick to work and students to cut class:
Please show up at noon on Wednesday for our first mega-rally against this insanity. Hundreds of groups are already organizing car pools and buses. You can right now just declare yourself an organizer and get your friends and neighbors committed to being in Lansing. If ever there were a day to call in sick, Wednesday is it (because this IS sick). Students, if ever there were a day to cut class and become a participant in your democracy, Wednesday is it. This event needs to be HUGE — and I believe it will be if you will simply be there and take a stand.
Much attention has been paid to Wisconsin in recent weeks. Well, they got nothing on what’s going on here in Michigan. Rick Snyder is Scott Walker on steroids. There’s never been what even the AARP calls “an all-out attack” like this on us. Trust me, you will rue the day you sat home and did nothing while thieves posing as politicians stole your Great Lakes State from you.
All because Governor Rick Snyder wants to balance Michigan’s budget by taxing monies not previously taxed and putting Michigan in a welcoming position for business (and therefore jobs) by lowering the state business tax. Yeah, ok, that Emergency City Management idea needs more work and it isn’t fun to realize that you are going to become like almost everyone else in the country by paying taxes on your pension (Michigan is one of only 4 states that doesn’t tax pensions) but let me assure you that once he won the primary, Governor Snyder had the support of Michigan Tea Party members who know full well drastic measures must be taken to balance the budget. And success doesn’t come by losing money in the form of film credits that do nothing more than bring more La-La Land entitlement types to rub shoulders with the mafia-run labor unions.
Besides, if the AARP doesn’t like it and it is giving unions heartburn, it must be good.