Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
A penalty that’s really a tax. So decreed the Supreme Court about Obaminablecare this past Thursday. But President Walking Eagle still decrees the tax is just a penalty.
Could have fooled me.
If it’s not a tax, O Self-Proclaimed Smartest President Ever, then why is the IRS ramping up its ranks by some 16,000 agents and preparing to go through your personal life far beyond just your income? Why does it now matter to them how many people live in your house? If someone living in your house for whom you have no legal responsibility (for example, a roommate), refuses to get a health insurance policy, why does this have the potential to impact YOUR taxes? While they might not be willing to say so now, you can bet dollars to a cop’s donuts that the day will come when the IRS will seize YOUR assets in order to pay for someone else’s choice to not pay for what some government bureaucrat mandates as “adequate” health insurance coverage. Not to mention the ugliness of the whole snitch aspect of enforcement.
It’s incomprehensible to regular folks just how Justice Roberts managed to squeak out justification of the mandate as a tax when the progressive liberal Democrats insisted from Day One it was merely a “penalty” and continued to argue it as such during the hearing. Even if they had argued it as a tax, it falls into neither category by which Congress can levy a tax. Mark Levin put it this way:
“What kind of taxes are permitted under our federal constitution? Well, there’s a tax that is called a direct tax or capitation tax…it is a tax on the individual. The Constitution requires direct or capitation taxes (a head tax if you will) to be apportioned among the states…
Then under the Constitution you can have an excise tax. But excise taxes require some sort of action or activity on the part of the individual. So surely this tax can’t be (an excise tax).
What about an income tax under the Sixteenth Amendment?
Even John Roberts doesn’t attempt to justify the (Obamacare) penalty as an income tax.”
Some are arguing that this can’t go forward because tax legislation must originate in the House. But they are forgetting that the Senate essentially gutted a House bill to use as the container in which to create their version of Obaminablecare. So although one might well and should argue this as both an immoral and unethical tack (often) done deliberately to deceive, this wicked legislation did “originate” in the House.
But passed under reconciliation, it may also be repealed (cue liberal progressive squeals of “unfairness”).
This is yet another horrible example that our government is simply and utterly out of control. When 60% of Americans do not want Obaminablecare, yet the government is forcing it upon us through outright lies and backroom deals, we are living under the same situation that created the War of Independence: taxation without representation. We have one election left before we become simply Amerikka the USSA. If we use it wisely, we can begin to drain that swamp in D.C. and, like other unconstitutional Supreme Court decisions (Dred Scott, anyone?) we can not only repeal Obaminablecare in its draconian socialist entirety, we can seat justices who rule based on the Constitution, not what they think others might think of them.