Obviously, we didn’t understand him the first time. This deserves to go viral.
You want some brie with that whine?
Yes, dear readers; this is the man into whose hands a majority of Americans placed their trust to keep this beloved Republic safe in November 2008. The one who thinks that “higher education” is the solution to so many of our problems.
Apparently he took “higher” literally and lost more than a few brain cells along the way to his alleged graduation. Or else he believes he’s the American version of Mary Poppins….
Just over half the Americans eligible to vote and who chose to do so (well, at least it was presumed that all votes cast were by those who were both living and eligible – some even 77 times eligible – since there were numerous charges and indictments against Obama-campaign-funded ACORN) went to Barack Hussein Obama and in a flash we ushered in what continues to be called a new era of “hope and change”.
The problem is that the hope is now that this man resigns or otherwise disappears and that the change we’ve seen has been nothing but negative.
But I fear that Obama’s audacity (read: ego) and the fact that too many in this country, including the First Lady, are still willing to covertly or overtly play the race card is going to keep us sliding down the thinly-veiled razor blade he proffered, too many accepted, and for which he continues to campaign. And that is a sadness even more tragic than the economic meltdown that has the real middle class of this country wondering just how they’re going to manage to survive.
Let us consider for a moment the definition of the word “incompetent”. There are those claim only worm-eaters make any criticisms of President Obama, but do they really understand what it means? Merriam-Webster defines it thusly: