It has been such an exciting week. With our Turncoat President off reassuring Great Britain that he has no clue (or class), our House was graced with the presence of a true statesman, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Unfortunately, Bibi was forced to explain to those of us who don’t have the luxury of galvanting around the world at the taxpayers’ expense that for there to ever be peace between Israel and the Palestinians, the Palestinians must actually want peace, not the annihilation of Israel (a small fact that strangely seems to elude our self-proclaimed smartest. president. evah.)
It is safe to say that some of the difference between Bibi and BO stems from the way they grew up and, in particular, how they spent those crucial first years crossing over into adulthood:
The values set in place then are quite evident today and are rather like the difference between having oatmeal for breakfast versus Fruit-Loops. One is solid nourishment, the other sugary fluff with no real substance. Bibi’s speech, delivered with proper eye contact and with only a few notes for reference instead being read off a teleprompter, was interrupted countless times by heartfelt, spontaneous applause as he stated simple, real-world truths that a majority of Americans already understand. It was grand and it was glorious and it was a shame that President Walking Eagle would be conveniently absent to hear it.
And though it was somehow fitting our president would instead be mucking up a toast to the Queen of England, the truth is that it was actually rather embarrassing that a foreign head of state should be the one to provide such clear leadership to the American people.