I’d like to share some thoughts that are taking shape as I take a year-end look at this horrible administration, the media coverups for it, and the reactions to all of it from my fellow citizens. The Left has so quickly caricatured itself post-inauguration that to criticize them is like holding out a bucket to catch common sense pennies raining down from Heaven. For those who have eyes to see, what the Democrats have accomplished lo these last 12 months is a suicide mission to which even the most exalted (sic) jihadist would bow in respect. And from a seat in the right-hand wings, good. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of affirmatively graduated “equality for all” types.
But though I am personally a Constitutional Conservative and firmly believe that our inalienable Rights include reaping the consequences of exercising them, what I am fast finding tiring are those on the Right who make their arguments waving a gun in one hand and a Bible in the other. Far too many of them are demonstrating the same, blind perspective as those on the Left they are so willing to gleefully bash. There are many conservatives, myself included, who do not lay claim to any particular Judeo-Christian dogma, and while we may acknowledge a higher power, many of us have spent a good portion of our lifetimes fighting against the narrow zealousness of both the Christian Right and the athiests; seeing any zealousy towards religion as an enemy to America’s foundation of Liberty on equal footing with Islamic jihadists.
I believe that America is cut out of cloth that is, when push comes to shove, conservative, but that conservatism is moderate. “Your rights end where mine begin” is a tolerance demonstrated time and time again when one looks outside of the ego-fogged spaces of those bastions of bureaucracies we call government offices. We pay no mind to teenagers with the crotches of their baggy pants hanging down around their knees, we look with bemused eyes upon our neighbors who sell their souls for a mortgage on a house so big they must work incessantly to pay for it and therefore never spend time rattling around its vast, undecorated space. We begrudge no one the free expression of their individualness, though we retain the right to laugh at them and understand that when we pratfall we’re going to be laughed at, too. That’s simple fairness, by the way. Not democracy.
And so it is that in the heartland of America, which is pretty much anywhere outside the big, Democrat-ruled camps like D.C., New York, Detroit, and the entire state of California, that life is good. But that goodness doesn’t mean we simply ignore those Democratic strangleholds. On the contrary, we look upon them with great concern. But we cringe in equal measure when any of our friends and neighbors demonstrate their own blind jihadism of guns and Bibles.
Maybe it’s just another example of the power of the anonymity of the internet but so far in my face-to-face discussions with even the most red-blooded of Constitutional Conservatives I’ve not yet heard the ugliness of the threats bantered about in online comments, nor the unpalatable amount of Bible-thumping preaching to make some or another point. Yes, the Left has been utterly despicable in its verbal treatment of the Right for a very long time, and their vitriol does not go excused. But I do not find any comfort from self-professed conservatives who would beat a liberal with either their Bible or a gun in retaliation. Indeed, such fundamentalist cowboy tactics are exactly the fodder the Left looks for, the fodder they deliberately attempt to pry out of conservatives in order to have even the flimsiest of excuses to slap chains on our freedoms before their time in office runs out. And while it’s obvious that logic doesn’t enter into any argument with a liberal, deliberately handing them your gun and pulling the trigger for them while holding up your Bible as a shield is an equally losing proposition.
It’s time that conservatives gather their collective, smoldering anger and do what we keep advising the pablum-drunk progressive liberals. Grow up. While it’s true you don’t need to bring a gun to a knife fight, it’s just as true you can’t have a battle of wits with those who are unarmed. The battle to restore the Republic of these United States will not be won with words directed to a deliberately deaf enemy who doesn’t have enough gasoline in their brain cell’s engine to process them even if they could hear. You don’t stop an evil from sucking you dry by throwing a Bible or a cross at them. You stop them with a silver bullet or a stake through the heart.
And those tools of the most enduring fiction are available to everyone who wants this country back, in the form of the ballot box and in the form of their dollars. It’s time to get out from behind the safety of computer screens and televisions and cast votes for candidates who are willing to buck the current system of pork and earmarks and self-proclaimed special interest “victims”. Such conservative candidates are rising up from the ranks even as you read this. FIND THEM. Deliberately seek them out. If you have it in you, put your money where your font is and become one. Ask them the hard questions and listen carefully to their answers. Then support them with everything you’ve got. Conservatives who love this country must begin to fight FOR what’s right, not just fight against what’s gone so terribly wrong.
I believe the majority of Americans are good and kind lot. I believe that they have a lot more common sense than the progressive liberals dare to believe. Even in the most blue of districts there remain honest, hard-working people who hunger for the truth. The facts of what this administration in particular have done to set the stage for enormous and dangerous disaster right here within our own borders are clear enough. It’s time to put down the gun, put down the Bible, and give the facts the lip service they deserve. Don’t waste your time on those still drunk on the Kool-aid; we don’t call it entitlement derangement syndrome for nothing. Those people are hopeless but like an idiot savant they are clever enough to keep pulling on your heartstrings to get your hard-earned money out of you in the form of donations to their cause de jour and collect a paycheck, especially where it concerns the environment or social “justice”. The answer to this ludicrous behavior is simple. And like charity, it must begin at home. If conservatives are to become at all effective, it’s time to starve the beast. Stop donating to organizations like, for example, the Sierra Club, the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, the Catholic Charities. Any charity that has their hands out for government funding should be on your own personal conservative political watch list. (Go to Guidestar and look up every non-local organization that asks you for money; all charities must file IRS documents and state how much of your hard-earned tax money they receive from the government. Then do a search for how they spend your money to advertise for or to support progressive liberal causes. I dare say you’ll be more than a little surprised.) Ok, yes, it’s work but nothing, especially our liberty, comes without a price. You can, of course, choose to keep it simple and invest your charitable dollars locally. And, indeed, I dare say that is where they will do the most good.
The progressive liberals in this country have thrown themselves with a breathtaking belly-flop of truly unfathomable joy onto the Green Mile. The blatancy of their avarice and greed is the rope with which they now hang themselves. Where cool heads prevail, to take back this country and return it to the firm foundation set forth in the Constitution will be child’s play for conservatives in 2010 but such “play” doesn’t mean stooping to their level of vacuous visciousness; hiding behind Bibles and guns is no different than hiding behind progressive liberal “equality” and “social justice”.