This week we celebrate a special birthday. Monica Lewinsky turns 37.
It seems like only yesterday she was crawling around the White House on her hands and knees, putting everything in her mouth.
You want some brie with that whine?
What do you do when things become so upside-down they no longer make sense? That’s right – you make fun of them.
Bravo and brava, Latma TV! (And boo-hiss to YouTube for pulling “We Con The World” for alleged “copyright violation” but leaving up numerous satirical videos of people like Adolf Hitler.)
With massive Tea Party protests planned across the country for “Tax Day”, April 15th, you just knew that the left wingnuts wouldn’t be able to contain themselves at the prospect of somehow “outing” these great numbers of average Americans who will peacefully assemble to voice their concern with the punishing tactics of big government as “racist”, “homophobic”, “angry”, and therefore somehow “dangerous”.
But it’s already starting to backfire on them.
It is with great amusement that I present to you their latest attempt to spin the Tea Party movement: CRASHTHETEAPARTY.ORG
This is the website that went up a few days ago:
Because we here at the Smoke Break believe in transparency and accountability, we thought it only fair to let you know who owns this. Here is the original domain registration information from April 3, 2010 (it was changed to falsify the owner’s identity on April 6th):
Created On:03-Apr-2010 22:52:43 UTC
Sponsoring, Inc. (R91-LROR)
Registrant ID:CR45137659
Registrant Name:Jason Levin
Registrant Street1:8575 SW Birch Street
Registrant City:Portland
Registrant State/Province:Oregon
Registrant Postal Code:97223
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.5039366588
It is clear from perusing the posts at this site that there isn’t much intelligence behind it. It mainly consists of high-school type baiting of conservatives, with the usual dash of violence advocated by the liberals.
You can find Mr. Levin on LinkedIn here. I’m sure that this latest effort of his will impact his new business, though perhaps not exactly how he may have intended. But that’s what you get when you try to bite the hand that feeds you, eh?
Mr. Levin also has Twitter accounts: here and here. There’s also an entry on Facebook here.
It goes without saying that wise Patriots will be bringing all means of video-recording devices with them to the rallies on Thursday.
If one clings fervently to a particular ideology, we call them zealots. Those who go too far are called a terrorist. In the same way some Muslims wage their jihad, or “holy war” against America, so too does the current administration wage its own health care jihad against the American people.
Obama spent a great deal of time “explaining” the legislative nonsense that came out of the progressive liberal Democrats’ closets during his State of the Union address and all but demanded: “Do not walk away from reform. Not now. Not when we are so close.”
His front man, Robert Gibbs, said: “We’re still inside the five-yard line. We’re one vote away in the House of Representatives from making health care a reality. Health care reform a reality.”
And, of course, the Speaker of the Nuthouse talks about it in the squirreliest terms of all: “We go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, we’ll go over the fence. If the fence is too high we’ll pole-vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in but we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people.”
No matter that poll after poll after poll shows the average American citizen backing further and further away from anything proposed about health care reform in the House or Senate and a solid majority now wish they’d drop the idea altogether; these progressive liberal zealots simply cannot shake free of their fanatical need to impose their will. While I cannot fathom this kind of insanity, I cannot help but wonder if there is perhaps a Divine hand at work keeping Gitmo from closing, for surely these people need to be locked away.
Everyone makes mistakes. But when your life is the stuff of fiction created by a legend in your own mind and you misrepresent issues, if not flat-out lie about them, every time you open your mouth yet pridefully accept the mantle of Messiahnic Orator while shaking your scolding finger at those who so obviously know far, far less than you…well, some mistakes become just another example of why mama always admonished us to not spit too high.
Perhaps the stupidest thing yet to come out of the mouth of His Transparency to date was to mispronounce the word, “corpsman” at this year’s National Prayer Breakfast. Saying it as if it were two words, “corpse man”, would be funny if it wasn’t said by the Commander in Chief of the United States military. Truth is that it’s just another pathetic demonstration of both Obama’s ignorance and his disdainful disrespect for the military.
It also hints at those ever-popular Freudian slips; what with all the destruction this naked Emperor is wreaking on our beloved country, calling to mind the calls to “bring out your dead!” that rang through cobbled streets during the Middle Ages.
The rest of us had better keep praying.
I laughed out loud this evening when I was told that Democrats are now calling supporters of Massachusetts state senator Scott Brown “radicals”.
Yes, dear readers, those of us who support a candidate with conservative views have been upgraded from “right-wing extremists” to “radicals”. And all without a single mention of the issues at hand.
Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., claimed in an e-mail that “swift boaters” were trying to sink Coakley, a reference to the ads that targeted him in the 2004 presidential campaign. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called Brown a “far-right tea-bagger” in an e-mail, using a term that also can refer to a sexual act. Then on Friday, Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., wrote in a fundraising e-mail that Coakley was “being attacked by tea partiers and right-wing radicals.”
Poor, poor Martha Coakley. She’s not sinking like a stone in the polls because of her track record of hypocrisy, is she? Surely someone held a gun to her head and forced her to misuse those state resources for her campaign. And surely she was forced to keep those innocent people in prison. And surely having her murky past coming back to haunt her is simply so embarrassing that she and her campaign workers have forgotten how to use spell check before they air their union-sponsored, negative attack ads against Scott Brown.
Cue those flying pigs and pass her some brie to go with her whine.
The woman is a stereotypical political scumbag Democrat. And the other stereotypical scumbag Democrats, led by His Transparency himself, President Walking Eagle, are now scuttling out from the woodwork to rally around her only because they want her guaranteed vote for their progressive liberal socialist plans for America. If that 60th Senate vote wasn’t so critical to their unconstitutional takeover of America, they’d be wiping her name off their lips with a piece of that infamous blue dress.
Martha Coakley is just another useful tool for the progressive liberal machine. And if calling it like it is and wanting the law of this land to be defended and protected by those we send to Washingon is a “radical” concept, well, there’s a whole lot of Americans who are proud to claim it.
This one takes the cake.
Scratch that. This one takes the minutes. Your unused calling card minutes, that is.
I have no adjectives to describe how this makes me feel. But visions of plantations and Communist Russia come to mind.
Washington, D.C. is suing AT&T because some customers who buy its prepaid calling cards don’t always use up all the minutes. The city isn’t suing on behalf of the customers, of course (though even that would be sort of silly). It’s suing on the notion that when a customer doesn’t use up all of a product or service they purchase, the remainder belongs to the government. So they want the company to pay what the minutes are worth to the D.C. government, where they might be better used on, oh I don’t know, maybe to pay overtime for Mayor Adrian Fenty’s mountain bike detail.
Next up, D.C. sues Burger King for stray fries that go uneaten after falling to the bottom of the drive-thru bag.
Since when does buying anything and not using it all up constitute anything more than perhaps wastefulness on the part of the consumer? It’s not as if the government is loaning our purchases to us with some caveat we are to return any unused portion.
Someone needs to be slapped soundly upside the head.
“There are those who say there is no evil in the world. There are others who argue that pink fluffy bunnies are the spawn of Satan and conspiring to overthrow civilization. Let me be clear: I believe people of goodwill on all sides can find common ground between the absurdly implausible caricatures I attribute to them on a daily basis. We must begin by finding the courage to acknowledge the hard truth that I am living testimony to the power of nuance to triumph over hard truth and come to the end of the sentence on a note of sonorous, polysyllabic, if somewhat hollow, uplift. Pause for applause.”
(Mark Steyn, NRO review of His Transparency’s speeches)
There’s often a lot of truth in humor.
As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barack Obama is our President and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%. But since we cannot increase our prices right now, due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees instead. This has really been bothering me since I believe we are family here and I didn’t know how to choose who would have to go.
So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots and found sixty “Obama” bumper stickers on our employees’ cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go.
I can’t think of a more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change, I gave it to them.
I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic.
The Boss
Grab the salt shaker, melt the butter, and start popping the corn. And don’t forget to supersize those sodas, folks! Michael Moore is about to release another film. And in that stereotypical, oxymoronic way of progressives (heavy emphasis on the “moron”) he has titled it, “Capitalism: A Love Story”.
Though we acknowledge the near-impossibility of such a thing, it would have been more correct to title it, “Capitalism: A Hate Story”. For you see, this beneficiary of the all the goodness available in a free market economy – as evidenced by the supersize of his bank account, his … ummmm … overly-generous girth, and his newfound fashionista-wannabe style – has aimed his poison pen at a storyboard that explains just how and why capitalism is a Very Bad Thing.
For some.
Because in the left-most wing of the progressive, liberal asylums, the speaker is always exempt from their version of how things must be. In this case, “Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil. You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people and that something is democracy.” Which means: now that I’ve milked free market capitalism to the extent of my incompetance, I can work to eliminate any future competition by leveling the playing field. For everyone else.
So he ties together banks, politicians and U.S. Treasury officials to make a case that capitalism is why Wall Street gets help instead of Main Street, and he includes footage of the illegal activities of those (a la ACORN) who break into foreclosed and sold homes to “repossess” them on behalf of those stupid enough to take out a mortgage they were unable to repay.
He made this statement at a news conference: “Democracy is not a spectator sport, it’s a participatory event. If we don’t participate in it, it ceases to be a democracy.”
Guess what, Michael? The United States isn’t a democracy. It is a republic. And we don’t intend on participating in your hypocritical cinematic swill.