Yesterday marked the first major election since last year’s presidential election and proved that not only do Americans want change in how the federal government operates, but that both public and Ivy League educations ain’t all they’re cracked up to be.
As the disillusioned and the gullible have, along with those refused to drink the Kool-Aid, reaped the consequences of choosing a President with far less practical real-life experience than ego, the frightening chants of “Yes, We Can!” have changed to a decisive “No, You Don’t!” and the gloating “I won” has become a curse on those who would continue to follow the progressive path of destruction.
It’s not a stretch to see that the events of the past year have caused blood to shoot from the eyes of average Americans of all political stripes and in loud, decisive reaction, turned 2 blue states to red. New Jersey, the tacky little sister of Illinois, that poster child of political corruption that spawned the current administration, kicked their incumbent Democratic governor to the curb, while Virginia gave the Oval Office a chilling assessment of its 2008 support by electing Republicans to its top three offices.
No coincidence that in both states, President Obama used the hard-earned money of the American taxpayer to campaign for the Democrat candidates.
It’s heartening to see the American people waking up again. Though Republicans are, in their own way, as wacked as the Democrats, this shift towards the right is at least a shift in the right direction. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs dismissively called observations of the shift and its implications for the 2010 elections “navel gazing”, but it is clear to this writer that the administration is only gulping down water from the River DeNial in a desperate attempt to keep its bubble intact, for the truth is that any “gazing” was done by the American people. We’ve had a whole year to watch the progressive lies unfold ever more blatantly, undermining the foundations upon which these United States was built. The Tea Parties marked a return to the basics, of civic duty, and those who perhaps used to think their vote didn’t particularly matter are coming to the realization that if they don’t protect and defend the Constitution, no one else will. Especially not those rats scuttling around the corridors in Washington.
Congratulations, New Jersey and Virginia. Welcome back to the world of grown-ups. It’s not easy being responsible for your own welfare, your own future, but your happiness is far more assured than by relying on some man-child and his handlers who would prefer you live bound by chains of dependency upon their egotistical and greedy whims.