The evidence of American displeasure; indeed, their outright anger with the government of the United States was overwhelming clear yesterday when the Mall in D.C. was filled to overflowing with an estimate million-plus citizens gathered congenially to tell the administration that “enough is enough”.
But as is par for the course of this Obamanation of an administration, those who most needed to see and to hear were conspicuously absent. President Obama was all wee-weed up on yet another health-care reform campaign stump as far away as he could go without looking too obvious. All except a very few Congress critters who represent the conservative point of view cowered behind locked doors.
And so with no real perspective by which to gauge the events yesterday, from this morning’s edition of CBS’ “Face the Nation” we get the following statements from White House senior adviser David Axelrod.
“I don’t think it’s indicative of the nation’s mood. You know, I don’t think we ought to be distracted by that. My message to them is, they’re wrong.”
“I don’t believe that some of the angriest, most strident voices we saw during the summer were representative of the thousands of town hall meetings that went on around the country that came off peacefully, that were constructive, people voicing their points of view. You know, one of the great things about our country is people can express themselves even if they’re not representative of the majority.”
Yo, Davey-boy. Your proctologist called.
He found your head.
Right next to Barry’s.
We, the American people, aren’t a “distraction” and you have no business telling us that we’re “wrong”. You work for US, remember? Those who have been and continue to be the most outspoken in their anger merely had the opportunity to speak for the millions more of us who were unable to attend a summer townhall because our unrepresenting representatives were hiding beneath their desks instead of doing their job.
9/12 IS the nation’s mood.
That means it’s time for you to go.
Hi, Not sure that this is true:), but thanks for a post.