While the American military deserves a great deal of credit for their support of the fight that culminated in Mexico’s independence from Spain on May 5, 1862, Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday. And like Americans on the Fourth of July, Mexicans should fly their flag proudly.
But when those of Mexican heritage celebrate here in the United States, the fact is that it remains the celebration of another country and the Mexican flag may never take precedence over Old Glory. Yet that is exactly what happened on May 5th when teens attending Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, California were sent home from school for wearing t-shirts and bandanas with an American flag on them.
The boys said the administrators called their T-shirts “incendiary” that would lead to fights on campus.
“They said if we tried to go back to class with our shirts not taken off, they said it was defiance and we would get suspended,” Dominic Maciel, Galli’s friend, said.
…to many Mexican-American students at Live Oak, this was a big deal. They say they were offended by the five boys and others for wearing American colors on a Mexican holiday.
“I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican Heritage Day,” Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, said. “We don’t deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn’t do that on Fourth of July.”
Some Mexicans living in the United States, we’ll presume for the sake of argument they are living here as legal American citizens, are offended by people displaying the American flag because today is a celebration day in another country? They are offended because they chose to become a citizen of a country where they are free to celebrate their heritage without fear of retribution and find it offensive other citizens are proud of that fact?
¿Jose, puede decir usted, “loco”?
As for Mexican students not “disrespecting” America, please don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining. Just the fact a Mexican student would dare to complain about someone displaying the American flag is disrespectful. And as a reminder of this same disrepect, these photos were taken at Montebello High School in California on March 28, 2006, the last time illegal immigration was addressed:
Frankly, I find this attitude and these kinds of actions not only gut-wrenchingly offensive but also very disturbing and think that in the case of the students at Live Oak the district ought to discipline the school’s administration . As I dare say does every honest and patriotic American of any ethnic heritage.
Up until some of us saw the Mexican Video listed below,we actually felt some degree of sympathy for these people who were likely to be separated from their families and kicked out of the U.S. But after watching the sheer mitigating bastard arrogance of these Mexicans at the website below, all of my colleagues and I have now fully joined the league of millions of other Americans who want Every last illegal Mexican kicked out of this country once and for all. We even take it a bit further and say why stop there, why not just Kick all Mexicans and Hispanics out of this country. Blacks and Whites on this sole issue stand United as One Voice in that we are the voice of America. The video from the website listed below is Shocking! to say the least! The unmittigated gall of these Mexican Pigs to fly their flag above the American flag, and the sheer audacity of these people to be insulted because a handful of American students decided to wear American Flag teeshirts to school on Cinco “Whatever Day” they supposedly celebrate. Blacks and Whites have a history that this country is built upon. What the heck have Mexicans or Hispanicss contributed to the foundations of this country other than flying cockroaches, and heavily increasing our gov’t debt from their use of food stamps and welfare etc. resulting in hefty taxes for tax paying Americans. Americans as a whole are tired of supporting these illegal aliens. We are tired of losing our jobs to Mexicans and Hispanic who are here illegally and yes I said it, even those Mexicans and Hispanics who are here legally. These people come to this country from their poverty stricken drug lord controlled countries, and instead of being humble and grateful for what this country has afforded them, i.e., a lifeline out of their dirt poor origins, they Spit in the face of every American, Black and White when they rebel against our American flag, flown in our own country, on our own soil. And to call flying the American flag disrespecful adds insult to injury. Every American needs to ask why is this being allowed to happen. Is this not your country, did not your sons and daughters fight and give their lives to fight for this countrys beliefs and what America stands for. What manner of dumb people allows others to crowd them out of their own country! Is this not America people or is America turning into a Mexican/Hispanic country. IT IS TIME TO GET THESE FREAKIN MEXICANS AND HISPANICS IN GENERAL OUT OF THIS COUNTRY! ITS HIGH TIME TO TAKE AMERICA BACK! Make your voices heard, speak out, organize, write your congressional supporters, send out emails, hand out flyers, rally and speak out, because it appears these people have no qualms about rallying against the American Flag, flaunting their anti-americanism, then you as Americans should certainly have no qualms about rallying against their Mexican flag and fighting against their illegal status in this country!
Although we are glad you agree that illegality has no place at the American table and we support your right to voice your opinion, we do not agree with kicking out all Hispanics and/or Mexicans because of the bad actions of a few, even when those bad actions are apparently supported by some of the politicians. America has always welcomed those from other countries and when they come here through legal channels and properly pledge their allegiance to America, we here will continue to respect their rights as legal citizens.